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The last 30 years of microbiome research necessitates a radical shift in our model of human health.
During the most extreme collapse of human health in history, we have made a startling discovery: human cells are not at the center of human health. Instead, the microbiome, functioning as the life-giving soil within our gut and internal organs, is at the core. The microbiome guides human health. This new science of bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses necessitates a restructuring of our current biologic models – genomics, proteomics, inflammation, carcinogenesis, immunity, and infectious disease.
In the last three decades, humanity has experienced a catastrophic increase in childhood chronic diseases, infertility, and metabolic collapse in young adults. In addition, we are now witnessing the rise of epidemic neurodegenerative and cancer conditions in adults. The trajectory of these disease curves predicts the collapse of the human population and the likelihood of our own extinction within the century. Worse, microbiome research into our planetary soil, water, and air systems shows that the collapse of human health and survival is symptomatic of a fundamental collapse of planetary health and biology.
But there is hope. We can correct our course. We can end our germ warfare tactics. And, we can embrace the reality of the life in and around us. If we do these things immediately, humanity has a chance.
The microbiome, and the remarkable communication pathway of the virome, must be understood as our salvation rather than our enemy. If we shift direction quickly, we can become co-creative partners with nature and prevent our own extinction. If we do this, we have the opportunity to bring forth the richest biodiversity and vitality our planet has ever seen.