It is exciting that technology has advanced to the point that we as consumers can track objective markers of human biology in real time.

It is fascinating to me that consumers have driven this movement of biohacking rather than physicians. On these levels I celebrate this movement as the democratization of health care.

We should be cautious, though, to assume that this is the highest exercise of self-empowered health and longevity.

There is a much greater computer at work within us. We are literally running millions of quantum computers within these extraordinary bodies, and we can keep extraordinary tabs on the health and vitality of our machine if we hone our intuition rather than our technology portfolio sitting around the rooms of our homes. We have an innate sense of where our health and purpose dwell within us, and where our stressors stem from and are stored.

The ultimate healer will empower their patients to discover these wellsprings of wisdom within themselves, then equip them with a toolbox of resources that they will learn to use in response to that inner truth. I am delivering my greatest accomplishment as a teacher through this 8-week journey with my clients from around the world,

A global community is emerging to demonstrate not just human health, but the rise of human consciousness. It is an amazing honor to be a voice among the tribe.

To all that have made my journey to today possible, I owe my deepest gratitude for the wisdom and insights.