ReGenerations: Fertility, Childhood Development, and Puberty

By: Dr. Zach Bush
(Co-authored by Dr. Peter Cummings)

Human Fertility:
Standing at the Precipice

As a species, we are approaching a moment of existential and biologic transformation. This transformation will manifest either in the sudden awakening of our society, where we reintegrate our entire psychosocial behavior and spiritual identity into the beauty and regenerative nature that we exist within, or an extraordinary hospice chapter that can bring us to this same awakening as we cross the veil into biologic extinction and spiritual freedom.

Our state of fertility as a human species is demonstrative of this tipping point that we have come to. Biologist Paul Ehrlich said in his book The Population Bomb: “Sometime in the next 15 years, the end will come — and by the end, I mean an utter breakdown of the capacity of the planet to support humanity.”

If you’ve been following our Global Health Education series since its origin, you understand that the rise of chronic disease is inexorably linked to our destruction of biodiversity in and around us. Our deeply held belief that nature is against us, that germs — pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasites, molds, and fungi, and even weeds are out to kill us — has created our modern co-dependent relationship with antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, herbicides, pesticides, and beyond. The sterilization of our environment and the biologic warfare approach to our model of immunity has unleashed the most extraordinary pandemic of chronic disease in our 200,000 year history. The rise of our diseases, and the collapse of our fertility are the manifestation of the literal sterilization of the human condition.

The research is quite clear

Metals and chemicals in our air, water, food, and health and beauty aids are damaging fertility in many ways. Scientifically, it has been well established that environmental toxic exposure can alter hormonal balance and throw off reproduction. Toxic compounds known as “endocrine disruptors” mimic the body’s hormones and disrupt the hormonal balance of reproduction. We encounter these chemical in substances like phthalates (better known as plasticizers), pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, and air pollution.

For men, the cornerstone of fertility evaluation is semen analysis. Over the last 22 years, American males experienced a 50% reduction in sperm counts. To lose half of our reproductive capacity in just one generation is a stunning snapshot at the speed of our biological decline as a species. At this pace, human men will be sterile within the century.

Infertility is not a male-only problem. Many women are facing reduced fertility as their endocrine systems are disrupted by environmental toxins. The most common cause of female infertility in most Western nations is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). The cause of PCOS is a multifaceted pathology rooted in stress-induced hormonal dysfunction affecting many pathways — insulin/glucose metabolism, estrogen/progesterone production, and inflammation signaling. The variability of the prevalence of female infertility within families, socio-economic ethnicity and race, and geographic location suggests that environmental toxicity and lifestyle are the primary driver of infertility. The same endocrine disruptors altering sperm health is also at play in PCOS.

Obesity can also decrease fertility, and it’s a problem affecting both men and women. In the US, obesity prevalence is currently estimated at 42.4% of the population, and in the past few years, we have seen the prevalence of severe obesity increase from 4.7% to 9.2%. This scientific evidence of our biological decline suggests that as a species, humanity could be in our last 70 years of existence here on Earth.

Infertility can lead to a decrease in birth rates

There are other factors which must be considered when examining why we are failing to replace our population. Recently released U.S birth data showed that births have been falling almost continuously for more than a decade.

Women of childbearing age (15 to 44)


6.95% women gave birth


5.58% women gave birth

That’s a 20% decline in 14 years, and compared to the 1960s, a 50% decline in US birth rates.

For decades, it has been argued that the increase in education levels in women and men, coupled with the increase in income for the average family household, were responsible for the declines in birthrates. As the biological collapse of humanity and our planet continues, we have to come to terms with the fact that we are simply losing the capacity for procreation.

What’s concerning is that the total number of children a woman will ever have has fallen considerably. For a generation to exactly replace itself, the number of children per woman must be at or above 2.1.

Average number of children per woman


2.12 children per woman

(stable population generation to generation)


1.64 children per woman

(declining population)

Since the beginning of the 21st century, almost 100 countries have reported a reduction in population numbers. Sub-Saharan Africa is the only part of the world projected to have strong population growth for the rest of the 21st century.

Medical programs that have impacted fertility

Despite this global slowdown in birth rates, pharmaceutical companies continue to work on contraceptive vaccine development, with more than a dozen hormonal and ovary/sperm targets under development. There’s also a long history of medical programs being conducted without obtaining informed consent from test subjects.

In 2014, a group of Catholic doctors in Kenya became alarmed at apparent infertility rates in women receiving tetanus vaccines. These women in fertile age groups were specifically targeted by the WHO’s vaccine program. The doctors sent vaccine samples to labs in South Africa, which reported that they were laced with HCG — a protein hormone that can create antibodies to the hormone that’s critical to early embryonic development when injected via a vaccine. While the WHO vehemently denied this, it is notable that it was not the WHO that manufactured these vaccines, but instead multinational pharmaceutical companies. While the validity of these reports remains unverified, there are obvious reasons why these doctors should have been concerned.

Additionally, as part of a legalized eugenics program between 1909 to 1979, authorities in California forcibly sterilized tens of thousands of women in state institutions for the “feebleminded,” where Latinas were disproportionately among them. This guise of vaccines has been used for purposes far outside the public health infectious disease jurisdiction.

Just a couple of years ago, it was reported that the CIA used a polio vaccination program as a front for tracking down Osama bin Laden in an attempt to obtain DNA from his family.

Today’s global vaccination program

Over the last year, we have rolled out the most aggressive global vaccination program in history. Once again, this has been done without any medium or long term safety studies, and under emergency use status for the first year, there is no informed consent. Additionally, the term “vaccination” is being stretched in its definition, biologic methodology, and ambiguous objective.

A simple query on google for “vaccine infertility” returns hundreds of pages of headlines stating that there is no evidence and no data to suggest that the COVID-19 vaccine harms fertility. Many of these articles go on to say that no doctors or scientists have put forward any scientific model to demonstrate how spike protein genetic engineering could have a negative effect on fertility.

In this Global Health Education topic, I am honored to offer a cohesive model on ACE2 receptors and the adverse impact of spike proteins on the reproductive system. As a consumer community, it is important that we do not confuse the terms “no data” and “no evidence” as equivalent to safety. We have absolutely no data to suggest that these mRNA and cDNA vaccines are going to be benign for children progressing through pubertal development and into their reproductive years.

In this webinar, we will once again look deeper at the trajectory of consumer behavior, chemical technology, and our growing understanding of nature’s design for human health to chart a regenerative future for humanity. The events that have shaped the decline of human and planetary fertility can build us the foundation for a clear path forward to such an end.


What Happened Last Year?





ReGenerations: Fertility, Childhood Development, and Puberty

Join Dr. Zach Bush, Dr. Mindy Pelz, Dr. Sonya Jensen, and Dr. John Gildea for an in-depth exploration into today’s fertility crisis. We dive deep into the current state of infertility, exploring the impacts of today’s public health interventions.

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