ReGenerations: Fertility, Childhood Development, and Puberty
Before you watch this webinar…
When we examine the habits + ingredients to healthy human fertility + reproduction, we discover that the same changes + habits that facilitate a healthy planet are the same changes that create healthy humans. Discover the power of oxytocin, why fasting is powerful for hormone health, how our health impacts future generations, and so much more.
“Ask yourself at every moment — when you’re having a thought, when you’re choosing a food, when you’re moving through your day — is this decision going to nourish me?”
– Dr. Sonya Jensen
Key Takeaways
• Birth rates in the U.S. are now at 1.6 per reproductive couple, which means we are no longer replacing the previous generation.
• Maintaining healthy levels of salt in the body is essential for immune function, healthy aging, managing insulin + inflammation.
• Every cell in the human body has an antiviral system.
• Metabolic health is a top human health crisis that needs to be addressed.
• Fasting is a highly effective way to “starve a virus”.
• For women, fasting should be timed with their cycle.
• There’s a strong male bias within the medical field, which creates a lack of information in regards to women’s health + experiences.
• There shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all approach to healthcare.
• Separating humans from nature via civilization decreases our resilience and induces pandemics.
“The same thing that’s going to prepare you for good health in the face of a pandemic is the same thing that’s going to make you fertile.”
– Dr. Zach Bush
Core Themes + Highlights
The Current State of Infertility (7:01)
• Sperm counts in males have decreased by about 50% over the past 40 years.
• On average, 24-35% of women screen positive for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is one of the most common causes of infertility in women (Based on a study in the U.S., U.K., Australia, India + the Philippines)
• PCOS is only one of many causes of female infertility.
“We cannot be healthy on a sick planet.”
– Zach Bush MD
The correlation between ACE2 receptors, salt + health (17:01)
• Every cell in the human body has an imprint that can remember + deliver its injuries to the next generation.
• The connection between ACE2 receptors + salt levels in the body determines whether the body is in a degenerative or regenerative state
• When levels of salt inside the body get too low, the ACE2 receptors decrease. This stimulates inflammation as well as the likelihood of a hypoxic event after contracting SARS-CoV-2.
• Low salt levels also drive insulin resistance.
A simple limeade recipe can help balance the overall levels of salt in the body, accelerating repair.
Combine 12 oz water, 1/2 lemon or lime squeezed and 1/4 tsp sea salt (grey Celtic or Himalayan sea salt)*
*Always consult with your health care team prior to starting protocols discussed in this webinar
Remembering the Miracle of Life + the Power of Nurturing (50:38)
• Nurture can turn on oxytocin, which counteracts the toxicity we create through our food system and public health interventions.
• Fear is the opposite of oxytocin and love— all the things we need to heal.
• If a mother is not steady, connected and healthy, it can affect the nourishment possible for the next generation.
• When ACE2 receptors are abundant, it creates an environment for healthy growth and development.
• In addition to salt, Vitamin D supports healthy ACE2 function and prevents many of the downstream effects of ACE2 disruption.
Insulin, Metabolic Dysfunction + Hormone Regulation (1:03:49)
• As a human race, we are metabolically dysfunctional.
• Menopausal women struggle with metabolic health the most.
• Humans need more oxytocin. Oxytocin brings cortisol down. When cortisol comes down, you regulate insulin better, which allows you to begin to balance your sex hormones.
• When we are insulin resistant, we’re less metabolically flexible. This creates an immuno-compromised position. Fasting is a highly effective way to become more insulin sensitive.
• Spike proteins decrease the amount of ACE2 receptors you have. The reason you would get sick from Coronavirus is a lack of ACE2 receptors.
• The best days for women to fast are days 1-17 of their cycle.
• Women are more insulin resistant the week before a cycle begins. So, that’s the time to step out of fasting and more into grazing + root vegetables.
• When we increase cortisol + stress hormones, we downregulate the sex hormones.
“We have to find our own individual path back to health. I would encourage women to get curious about your body. Be in awe of what it’s capable of doing.”
– Dr. Mindy Pelz
Understanding the Menstrual Cycle + Medical Bias (1:28:24)
• The menstrual cycle needs to be a vital sign.
• We have a set of bacteria in our gut that break down estrogen.
• Women may be struggling within the healthcare system at a faster rate because of the complexity of their hormonal system.
• Females are rarely included in medical studies, often resulting in misinformation and bad recommendations as it relates to women’s health.
• While common, PMS, hot flashes, low libido are not normal expressions of a healthy cycle or menopause.
Spike Protein Shedding (1:35:51)
• There is clear evidence that the spike protein created by the neo-COVID vaccines stays confined to the injection site.
• Airborne transmission of spike proteins from person to person after receiving a vaccine is unlikely.
• However, genetic and endocrine signaling are a way that transmission could happen.
Caring for the Hormonal System (1:43:14)
• Our hormonal system is very susceptible to increases in stress. When we are under chronic loads of stress, it throws off our hormonal system and creates metabolic dysfunction.
• We are meant for connection. When that gets disrupted, our sex hormones are also disrupted.
• Nothing is more important for a female body than having the sex hormones balanced.
• A plant-based diet, good sleep and being in nature are going to increase your immunity, fertility + overall resilience.
• The amount of time it takes for the body to go into ketosis depends on age.
• As we age, it’s important to increase salt during fasting.
• Miso broth is a powerful tool for inducing a huge nutrient delivery as well as salt delivery.
• The trace minerals critical for fertility are the same ones that are critical for immunity — zinc and manganese, and chromium and all these things that come in fermented foods.
Creating Resilience in Pandemics (2:03:53)
• Humic substances, like ION, can turn on protein synthesis, aid in detoxification, + repair barriers in the vascular system such as gut lining, kidney tubules and blood-brain barrier.
• Separating humans from nature via civilization decreases our resilience and induces pandemics.
• Pandemics are not a new phenomenon. What is different in 2020-21, is that we have an increased vulnerability in the health of the population. We are sicker now than we were and therefore see more negative outcomes.
• All other pandemics in history have always ended through natural immunity.
• As we disrupt natural immunity with a vaccine program, we induce antibody- dependent sensitization to viruses. This creates new, abnormal relationships to the virome and increases the duration of the pandemic.
• The most locked down, socially distanced group in Australia currently has the highest rates of Coronavirus in the entire country.
• Antibodies are not what keep us in relationship to the virome. What keeps us in relationship to the virome is good sleep, good food, good rest, decreasing stress, and connection to other human beings
“The more we connect our biology to the biology of the Earth, the deeper understanding we have about ourselves and the solutions.”
– Dr. Sonya Jensen
Webinar Resources
• Vaccine Recovery Report
• Immune Health Report
• PCOS-Related Health Care Costs
• Human Reproduction Update: Volume 23, Issue 6
• Characterization of polycystic ovary syndrome among Flo app users around the world
• Assessment of Glyphosate Induced Epigenetic Transgenerational Inheritance of Pathologies and Sperm Epimutations: Generational Toxicology
• Potential influence of COVID-19/ACE2 on the female reproductive system
• ACE2 Expression in Kidney and Testis May Cause Kidney and Testis Damage After 2019-nCoV Infection
• Impaired spermatogenesis in COVID-19 patients
• Sperm Parameters Before and After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination
• DONATE to support Global Health Education

Dr. John Gildea is Cell Pathophysiologist and Molecular Geneticist with 27 years of scientific research experience at the bench in both industrial and academic labs. A guiding principle of his work is to establish innovative optimized model systems and assays to investigate both normal and pathological states. He has expertise in ex-vivo, primary and immortalized cell culture systems, molecular biology, antibody based and nucleic acid-based diagnostic assay development, electron and fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. John enjoys home life with his wife who is a high school biology teacher, his two lovely teenage daughters, and playing hockey on the weekends.

Dr. Sonya’s book is called Woman Unleashed. You can find more information about it here: womanunleashedbook.com.

Dr. Mindy Pelz, D.C. is a bestselling author, nutrition and functional medicine expert who’s spent over two decades helping thousands of people successfully reclaim their health. She is a recognized leader in the alternative health field and pioneer in the fasting movement, teaching the principles of a fasting lifestyle, diet variation, detox, ketobolic eating, hormones and more. Her popular YouTube channel combines the latest in science with practical lifestyle tools every person can use to reset their health. Dr. Mindy is the founder of the Reset Academy, a private membership group dedicated to creating a fasting lifestyle. She is the host of one of the leading science podcasts, The Resetter Podcast, and the author of three best-selling books, The Menopause Reset, The Reset Factor, and The Reset Kitchen.