The great question of optimal human life expectancy infiltrates human writings dating back thousands of years. Ancient scriptures make accounts of the long lived humans that exceeded 900 years in lifespan, and famously the bible provides the account of the moment that God limited man’s lifespan to 120 years.
While these religious viewpoints have sparked a lot of controversy over the centuries, medical science is now able to start to wade into the discussion with our recent discoveries of stem cells, telomerase, epigenetics, the human energy field, the structure of the proton, and beyond. Modern science is clearly recognizing that there seems to be no expiration date on human biology, but instead our life-expectancy is the result of our environment.
The further we depart from nature in our social and technologic lifestyles, the more disorder and disease we face. We are at a major tipping point in history, human infertility is on a rapid rise across developed nations. More startling perhaps, 46% of our children in the US now have a chronic disease. Many are predicting that we may only have 70 years left on the planet as a species.
Longevity is no longer our primary concern, survival is now the question. In this way it is critical that our pursuit of optimal health and longevity begin with an effort toward a collective rise in consciousness such that we would begin to thrive within nature, instead of fighting that nature that is life itself.