As is so spoken to so clearly in the recent book – The Emperor of Maladies – the word cancer strikes more fear into the hearts of modern man than any other disease. Before leaving academia in 2010, I was working to design a new generation of chemotherapy through my research at the University of Virginia. Through that research I discovered for myself some extraordinary realities under the microscope.
Cancer cells are the most isolated, damaged, and fragile cells in the human body. Their mechanisms of repair are destroyed, they cannot produce adequate fuel, they have lost their cell identity and natural function. For this we have created a $500 billion/year business that is driven by the fear of death. We are told that toxic warfare on our body is the only pathway to hope for buying us time. And yet cancer rates rise every year. Medicine is no closer to a solution for cancer than it was in the 1970s. How could we be since we continue to see cancer as the problem rather than the symptom of a body that is failing in its inherent capacity for health. We poison rather than support. We treat rather than inspire.
The first cracks in my pharmaceutical philosophy and practice of medicine developed out of the realization that there is no cancer in human history that occurred due to a lack of chemotherapy in that person. We are not looking for a root cause in our therapies, how can they ever be successful. Step one to overcoming cancer is to love those cells back into the community of your body. If they cannot repair, they can remove themselves (apoptosis or programmed cell suicide) to make room for the new (stem cell activation).
We are often removing cancer cells naturally from our body throughout life. Not until our avenues of communication and metabolism are profoundly disrupted does cancer become a clinical problem for our bodies to handle. Cancer is just the symptom.