Becoming present and aware of our core sense of self.

By: Dr. Zach Bush

In a time of radical sociopolitical (and even public health) polarization, and with a future that seems so uncertain, let’s pause together and wonder:

How can we show up grounded and aware of self in this present moment?

First, we have to accept that in this quantum universe, the future has already happened. Then, we need to surrender expectations. The journey to that future that has already happened is being created through the deep knowing of nature and the wisdom of our deeper selves. When unexpected turns or crises hit us, we will move more easily through these events if we understand that the path in all its windings is exactly what we need to get to the destination. Our human minds were not given the map of our lives at the start. Our calling seems to be founded in the lifelong lesson of this surrender to our short-sighted understandings and beliefs. Finally, we can find sanity and purpose in witnessing the beauty around us, and participating with that beauty through our curiosity and wonder — these will enrich and inform our body of knowledge and feed our energetic and emotional wellbeing.

Every single minute of every day has been engineered to keep our minds distracted and programmed with a finite and disempowered paradigm.

The repetition of these belief patterns and thought processes create a vicious cycle of self-doubt and insecurity that leads to emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and of recent, even physical solitary confinement. Whether in our own homes, prisons, or psychiatric wards, confinement with oneself has remained the ultimate punishment for thousands of years. Through isolation, the programming of the mind usurps the spirit of curiosity and creativity and creates an insidious enslavement to the common, finite, paradigm. Now think about your daily life: what are your self-destructive thought processes that lead to solitary confinement? This self-doubt that has been bred into the industrial mind is truly dangerous, and if you’re an introvert like me, you may find yourself even more prone to slipping into patterns of isolation. You and I are being worn down. It is easy work by those who have learned to enslave the human mind, spirit, and ingenuity.

Together we can begin the courageous process of transformation.

We can begin in the silent state of mindfulness, perhaps better described as listening or perceiving. Close your eyes and begin to dissolve the boundaries that you have put around your concept of self. The roles and expectations that you have baked into your identity. Escape the muted vibration of your comfortable box of self-perception, and be willing to deconstruct, let go of all the anchors of your belief system, expand in all directions. Practice being in your expanded state when you open your eyes. When you exercise. When you become curious. When you see beauty. When you create art in any form. When you laugh. When you cry. When you put your efforts into whatever it is you call work. When you enter into a relationship. Experience it all from the expanded state. Absorb the energy from around you, breathe it in through your pores. Open your mind’s eye to a new potential. You are dying of boredom in your current paradigm. Blast those walls down. Humanity is at the tipping point. Continuing on our common path brings the terminal diagnosis of extinction. Find the “z-axis”. Go vertical. Root into the source of wisdom and energy that lies within your core.
Before you think you are ready for it, start to call in a new community for yourself. Find those that will challenge and inspire you through their own willingness to deconstruct their small self in order to become something spectacular. Do not limit your community to the human element. Call in the trees, the mountains, the lakes, the ocean, the rivers, the wind to become your community. Listen with all of your senses. Witness the beauty. Understand humanity and yourself through the eyes of the oak. Feel the weight of your body through the experience of the mycelium beneath your bare feet on that forest path. What does that network of intelligence see in you? In my experience it can only see the beauty within you. Nature does not have any need for understanding your misgivings and insecurities. Nature does not need empathy, because it is always in a state of integrity. It only sees the truth.

You are miraculous. You are a perfectly formed element of nature. And you deserve to always remain curious and dance in the beauty that you are wrought from.

Thank you for being present at the tipping point of humanity…


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