A Symphony of Opportunity

By: Dr. Zach Bush
One of the most beautiful expressions of human intelligence and creativity is our ability to create music.
Just as a single instrument can easily become out of tune, it is obvious when the players and pieces within a symphony no longer play a harmonious melody. We can say the same for the state of humanity today.
Over the last two years, our global orchestra has split into two distinct songs. They play in unison, yet operate in stark contrast to one another. The first is a dominant tune that is a repeated resonance of fear and guilt. The second, though softer and subtler, is a song of resilience, regeneration, community, and connection. Though a dominant portion of the symphony plays one tune, there’s a gentle yet powerful part of the orchestra that’s broken off to create its own harmony.
It’s clear we each have a choice as to which song to sing, but how do we determine which resonates? And how do we reconcile our choice to sing a different song than our friend, family member, or neighbor?

The frequency resonance of an individual.
As a human body, we are essentially a column of water made up of 70% crystalline water.
This gel in our cells enables our bodies to function as a tuning fork that vibrates at a certain resonance. When we hear a message that resonates, our water crystals resonate with that energy, and we vibrate. Alternatively, if our tuning fork enters into a dissident state, our water structure enters a state of discomfort and separateness, and we feel uneasy. This reaction is clearly indicative of a sound source that’s incapable of resonating with a low frequency.
We are programmed in our epigenetics with fear and guilt, so most of us walk around with a subconscious — even conscious — experience of these emotions. In this condition, we become vulnerable to aligning with observed events and narratives that justify the feeling of these emotions. In this way, we can literally resonate with today’s global narrative of fear and guilt. This narrative offers an external source of validation for these chronic feelings, when in fact we are likely fearful and guilty as a result of our internal disconnect from our intrinsic knowingness and connection to source. After this narrative runs its course, what fear and guilt will we resonate with next?
A New Song
We are at a unique moment in history for the planet and the humanity that we express. Genomic sequencing has revealed the web of life within us and around us; the microbes, viruses, and vibrations of the natural world that have allowed for our identity, our health, and our capacity to reconnect. In this newfound reality, there is a new song to resonate with and dominant notes you can tune to. Together, with enough souls resonating, we may come to fully perceive these notes of truth and hope.
When we resonate, we will remember where we came from and the purpose to which we are moving. From this frequency, beauty and love of our collective nature will become dominant, and we will align with events, people, and experiences that are in this resonance. Fear and guilt are not frequencies sustained in that space, as scarcity gives way to abundance, insecurity to awareness, and vulnerability to truth.
At this frequency, we can remember our inner knowingness as external stimuli fade in their influence on our hearts, minds, and spirits. It is the vibration of life. Tune in.
The Character of Humanity
The indigenous roots in all of humanity are still here. At any moment, we can tap into the symphony in the soil of life. At our core, we have an innate ability to trust and align — trust in the experiences that reinforce our inner resonance chamber, trust in our own feeling of being in and out of alignment, and trust in nature, our template for life. Nature, functioning as a tuning fork, will give you a remembrance of who you are and where you come from.
Listen for — and remember — your original vibration. It is the sound that was home to you before humanity convinced you of the dissonant notes of fear and guilt. When that instrument within you begins to vibrate in it’s alignment with a new path, lean in hard. You will trust it more everyday. As your confidence builds, so will your resonance and your creative capacity. Your empowered purpose will emerge, and you will enter a flow state.

A New Path Forward
There is no dis-ease to fix. You don’t have to fix yourself, your chronic disorder, your anxiety, fatigue, or pain — instead, we can remember that we arrived here in a state of being that had none of those things. We each hold a library that houses all of our knowledge and intention for life within, and to heal any disease, we must back up our internal clock to retune the protons within the water of our bodies to reveal our original vitality. Despite common belief, you can’t truly take someone forward through disease as a means to heal them — you have to physically, emotionally, and spiritually remind them of their origin. As we move into remembrance of the original vibration of self, biologic coherence and spontaneous healing occur.
Now think of the possibilities that will unfold when we, as a society, learn to reconnect and re-tune to beauty, love, and hope, rather than the deep groove of fear and guilt that runs within us. These last two years have prepared us for a great re-tuning and an alignment with our nature to reveal the purpose within our humanity.
It begins with a single individual making the leap past fear and guilt, and trusting that inner vibration to find a new path into grace, hope, beauty, love, and gratitude. When that individual increases its bright tones, it sets other instruments in the orchestra into vibration.
Let’s compose a whole symphony. One that tells a new human narrative of who we really are and what we are here to do.
In this tune, we may remember we are not consumptive and destructive beings opposed to nature, but rather creative forces aligned with our nature.
The Power of Proximity
The challenge has now become learning how to teach humanity to align to this hopeful and loving resonance frequency. I believe that begins with you and me. Each day that we resonate in this space, we draw to ourselves other people who are resonating with the same frequency. We may not be able to foresee who they are, but they show up with a sense of ownership of their experience, an ambition to resonate with something that feels right, and a willingness to hear their own vibration.
That’s where unplugging from the media and other programmed sensory experiences that surround us becomes so critical. Only when we do this can we arrive at a space where we can feel our own resonance chamber. When we unplug, we are more capable of learning to trust our column of water and use it as a tuning fork to find home, to find our tribe, and to find a new bloodline that might not be genetic. When we create space and silence, we can discover the other red blood cells that vibrate to the energy that we want to vibrate to and begin to create a new symphony of opportunity.
Naturally, we will learn to each play a more beautiful song with that group of like-minded people. When we start playing the same symphony, many will come to listen and some will come to join. There will be more and more energy to broadcast this vibration as this community expands.
We’re sitting at the tipping point of choice between an old song and a new symphony. We’re all here right now to make that decision. The old song of fear, guilt, and opposition to nature has been thoroughly played. We already know the outcome of this one.
There is a spark within each of us, a level of resonance of consciousness that makes it inevitable that a large portion of humanity will make the leap and learn to play the same song of love, hope, and beauty in unison. Find your harmonic in this beautiful symphony, and let’s make the music soar.
Happy Holidays and a Spectacular New Year,