I did not hear of diabetes until I
was in my 20s.
Today, over half a billion individuals globally are
currently grappling with diabetes, impacting individuals of all ages and genders in every nation.
Projections indicate that this number is expected to surpass 1.3 billion within the next three decades, with an anticipated rise observed in every country, as reported in The Lancet last year and screening studies show 40-60% of adults in urban and rural areas have pre-diabetes or diabetes. Type 2 diabetes constituted over 96% of global diabetes cases in 2021.
This represents an utter collapse of metabolism – the ability of the human body to liberate energy from the food we consume. This is a failure in the very foundation of multicellular life.
As I walk through the aisles of grocery stores or the halls of hospitals today, I am in wonderment at how fast this explosion of disease has occurred in the peoples of our wealthy and convenient world. It is just as frightful to consider how quick we are to normalize disease, how unmotivated we are to ask into the root cause of such an epidemic, and how few resources are put into solving this crisis.
As the cells of your body –
70 trillion strong
– begin to fail in their capacity to turn the caloric energy of the carbohydrates and fats from your food back into the solar energy that was so geniously stored in those carbon battery-like nutrients, life within you literally begins to dim.
Without the ability to burn brightly in the transformation of energy in your food, those calories start to back up into the transport center of your liver. The resulting fatty-liver leads to inflammation and insulin resistance, in a word – diabetes. That further compounds the dimming biology and accelerates other systemic disease – from depression to heart disease, from infertility to dementia, and finally the immune dysfunction driving pandemics and cancer in children and young peoples. It is time to turn the lights on to expose diabetes, so that we can illuminate the potential of human biology and life within you.

Invite everyone you know who has been impacted by diabetes themselves or is a caretaker of a loved one who is seeking a new narrative centered in healing rather than judgement.
The question is, if not now, then when? What level of crisis are we needing to justify the effort to begin a new human journey toward health?
Join us to become part of a global revolution in human health as we reconnect to the nature within us and around us. Nature has solutions to our most grave mistakes and crisis. This will be a two-hour experience that can change your life and creative capacity to uplevel your biology for a brighter future.
The question is,
if not now, then when?
Invite everyone you know who has been impacted by diabetes themselves or is a caretaker of a loved one who is seeking a new narrative centered in healing rather than judgement.
The question is, if not now, then when? What level of crisis are we needing to justify the effort to begin a new human journey toward health?
Join us to become part of a global revolution in human health as we reconnect to the nature within us and around us. Nature has solutions to our most grave mistakes and crisis. This will be a two-hour experience that can change your life and creative capacity to uplevel your biology for a brighter future.

Aubrey Marcus
The Birth of A New Humanity
Highest Self Podcast: How to Heal Your Body Holistically + Spiritually
To Be Magnetic: Tapping Into Inner Wisdom and Stillness
Almost 30 Podcast: The Real Meaning of Life